Friday, October 1, 2010

Atlanta Bound

So it's Friday and I'm just getting around to posting about my big weekend (last weekend!).  I took off last Thursday afternoon and headed to Atlanta.  I stayed with my cousin, her husband, and three adorable children for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and flew back Monday morning. 

Can I just say they are B-U-S-Y!!  I don't think we ever stopped, but I had a blast the whole time.  I got in late Thursday night, but Friday we met the kids for lunch and also went to a consignment sale that is held at Buck head every year in a parking garage.  It seemed to have been a bit picked over, but it was still fun to go and rummage around everything.  We got back to the house just in time for the bus to drop of the kids.  That night was relaxing and we had dinner at their house and enjoyed a peaceful much as you can with three children under 10! 

When someone special comes for lunch, Landon's class sings for them.  He had to sing a solo, then a duo, and then a trio.  He did such a great job, and I wish I had a video camera.  I know it's not the best photo (used my iPhone for all of these) but for the trio, they sang the months of the year to the tune of the macarena.  It was adorable and hilarious at the same time!

On Saturday, we went to the park with all of Landon and Sydney's friends and they played while the mom's any myself walked around the track - the first mile and a half I have done the whole time I've been pregnant.  I felt great after, but was completely worn out.  We also tried a new yogurt store that was having free frozen yogurt with toppings for their grand opening, so all 14 kids, 3 moms, and myself all tried this great place called Fro-Yo.  It was good, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite ice cream place.

Saturday night we went to The Village Burger in Dunwoody, which was amazing.  I don't really like burgers, but the burgers were well worth it. Sunday we went to church and it rained all day, so it was a fairly quiet afternoon.  My cousin Doug and his wife and three kids came over that night for dinner...6 children = a little overwhelming.  I don't think it would have been if I wasn't pregnant because it's never bothered me before when we all get together, but I think the lack of sleep and all the activity wore me out!  I had a blast getting to see everyone and am glad I was able to go before the baby gets here...who knows when the next time I'll have a chance to make it to good 'ol Atlanta. 

**I have set this picture correct 100 times, but every time I upload it, it turns like this, but you at least get the idea...

I have to share these pics...we decided it would be cool to make spider desserts for the kids dessert.  It all innocent honesty, we didn't think it would be a mess, and thought that they would think it was cool.  See the results:
They were pretty much covered in chocolate from head to toe...this was after we made them wash their arms and hands...really it was everywhere!

We are off to Starkville bright and early in the morning for the football game.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!  hopefully I'll have better photos to post when I get back from this trip as opposed to the last!

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