Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blessed Beyond Words

I was driving to work this morning and was thinking about how amazing the Lord is and how much he has blessed our little family over the past two and a half years.  Before we were married, I knew that the Lord provided, and I had seen His blessings in the ways that He blessed my family with school, jobs, etc, but I guess the first hand - continual blessings - just amaze me!  I know that God is Powerful and Provides - I just have to trust!

I just wanted to make mention of a few things that have just blown me away since we have gotten married.

1. We had no clue where we were going to live just a few short months before the wedding.  The Lord provided a small farm house to be our first home.  It had no heat and no air conditioning - but we had each other and He protected and provided for us in our time of need.  --God is so much bigger than we sometimes allow Him to be - I'm glad that He doesn't hold back when we can't see the full picture.

2.  God provides you exactly what you need - in order to make you grateful for what you have, and also to prepare you for the future.  We had no neighbors - well 2,500 head of cattle, corn, and tractor equipment.  I learned to be thankful for a roof over my head and food to eat.  We made the rest work - living on love!

3.  I'm looking forward to heat during the winter time - and not a wood burning stove for warmth.  I'm learning to be thankful for the simple things in life - like not depending on cut wood and where we are going to find it this month.

4.  I wouldn't trade the two years we lived in Martin on that farm for the world!  I know that God is preparing us for something special - and those years will help us to do His will.

5. The Lord prepared me for J's knee surgery and all the many bills we would have to fight to get paid from working at East Memphis Surgery Center before we were married.  Also, fighting all of this and dealing day in and day out with medical bills again prepaired me for the job I took in Insurance when we moved home.  It gave me a much better understanding of how people felt and also how to deal with the companies. 

6.We are having a baby in February and I have been worrying (it has trippled since I am pregnant) about how we are going to pay for a newer vehicle and a house - or if I just needed to keep the Malibu I currently drive.  It just so happens that my inlaws are looking at getting my mother in law a new vehicle and offered for us to purchase her 2002 Suburban - with exactly what I've been looking for in it.  We are going to be able to sell my car and use the cash from that and exactly what we have in savings for this vehicle - once again we will have two cars that we paid cash for...such a blessing!
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8.  We are looking for a home, and we almost placed an offer on one that I had fallen in love with, but the bathrooms were rotting out from under the house, so we didn't put an offer in - in hind sight - it would have been too far out for us and J says I would have never been up for the continual drive - God knows what he's doing!

8.  I am praying for His hand in our house hunting, and that if it's supposed to work out, it will.  I don't want us to rush into anything...he knows where we need to be and what we need to be doing.  I pray for guidance and direction in the months and years to come.

How has God blessed your family?

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