Sunday, February 7, 2016

June 2015

June 5, 2015 our Life group had a redbird's fellowship and sat on the bluff and enjoyed the game. We have been doing this for a few years now and it's so fun to do each year with all our kids. 

The boys and I had a library day in mid June and enjoyed reading random books all morning and exploring the library. We had planned to go to the zoo but there were NO parking and I decided that was bad news before even walking in the gate.

Playing at the Bellevue playground...

Tucker's first Fishing Rodeo in Oakland - I think we lasted an hour and he got bored because he wasn't catching anything, so we left.

The next day we went fishing at a friend's and caught a load of fish and had a blast.

Time to shave this boy's head - we've never done this before this summer, but he loved it.

Exhausted boy from VBS

Love these amazing group of girls I've gotten to work with the past three years at VBS. We have a great group of ladies!

We always get strawberries and then pick our bushes as well. I found a place this year that has the biggest blackberries I've ever seen. They are HUGE!

Of course blackberries call for a PIE!! My hubby's all time favorite - it's the way to his heart ;) 

This was a crazy day - I had a flat and had to go to Gateway and we stayed there for three hours while they replaced my tire. It was crazy with two little boys who had not much to occupy them, so we played in tires, put stickers all over ourselves, and read books. It was fun, but not something I want to repeat anytime soon.

 Corn Days are always eventful - my mom actually watched the boys and Mrs. Pam and I knocked out 300 ears. It was SO SO delicious this year. I feel like it's been at least two years since we have had GOOD corn. It was well worth all the work this year!

Another Jerry's Snow Cone trip - I think I've documented all three we've ever gone on with the boys...

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