Sunday, February 7, 2016

August 2015

Sweet boy playing trains

Tucker got in trouble and sent to his room and this is how I found him a few minutes later. I guess he was just in need of a nap!

I went to the Young Living Convention in August in Dallas, Tx. I stayed with the Byrd's while I was there and went with Aunt Cynthia. I had a great time and learned so much. It was a great way to really learn so much about the company and the oils. I already loved the product, it just made me more aware of how awesome it really is!

Day one!

We fell in LOVE with the Ninga Red Bar and had a ninja red smoothie each day. they were delicious!!

Day 2!

These sweet boys were waiting for me at the airport with flowers. Man I missed them and couldn't wait to land and get back to them.

Unfortunately there was TERRIBLE weather while we were in the air and had to circle above memphis for over two hours. Little did we know that they thought we were going to have to land in Little Rock and Jonathan was worried he would have to come get me with two tired boys at midnight...thankfully the storm broke and we were able to land.

There were some tired little boys, but man I was thrilled to hold them and be on dry ground again.

Playing trucks and building

So proud to wear mommy's tennis shoes.

Tent fun

One of my favorite pictures of us.

We ate lunch on the way to the lake - a little dairy queen before naps.

More playing in the water in the front yard...

Tucker's first day of Mother's Day Out - I may have cried when I dropped him off. On the other hand he was so thrilled and didn't even say bye.

A little shooting before dinner.

Eating lunch in our boxes we decorated...

Riding the tractor with daddy.

Watching daddy cut the land...

Our first MDO date. I have to say that it's been such a sweet time for Jace and me. We have had a fun few months to ourselves on Thursdays.

Unfortunately we had a rough day on August 18th. That was a Friday morning. It was a beautiful day and I had a few things that had to be finished. I sent the boys out back to play and they were digging in the dirt. Tucker went and got a hammer and accidentally hit Jace's finger with the back side of the hammer. He was digging and sliced it clean open. That resulted in a drive to LeBonheur. I have to dote on my YL Helechrism oil though. I had purchased it the month before and when he came in with blood dripping everywhere I dropped two drops and it IMMEDIATELY stopped the blood flow. I was able to wrap it up, ice it, and get to the hospital with no more blood. I didn't think to take it with me, so when we were trying to get x-rays he was hysterical and opened it back up. It bled for a good 20 minutes plus before stopping. 

They brought some bubbles for him to play with and blow, you can kind of see part of his finger that was cut - it was cut 3/4 of the way around. 

They gave him a spray that kind of doped him up. He was hilarious, but thankfully it seemed to help a lot. 

All bandaged up and rewarded with a popsicle. It was a rough day, but he was such a trooper and did a great job. He handled all of it really well. When we got home it looked like a murder had happened in our house. There was blood EVERYWHERE.

Sweet boy did so good letting me make him ice it twice or more a day and elevating it.

Jonathan had some buddies over to shoot. Tucker had to get in on the action of course.

Finger starting to heal nicely.

Daddy colored "monster" trucks on the boys hands and they thought it was the greatest thing ever. 

I made a sensory box with noodles that I purchased at the dollar store and dyed. The boys thought it was so fun and we have played with it multiple times. We love sensory boxes!

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