Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh Baby!

The Lord has heard our desire and prayer for a new baby and has blessed us so much!  I can't believe that we are really going to go from 3 people to 4 in our little family.  It's so surreal to think that Tucker is really ours, and I know that it will be the exact same with the next one.

On June 13, 2012 I took a pregnancy test and we are officially expecting baby #2!  With Tucker I KNEW - There was no doubt - I told Jonathan that I was either dying or I was pregnant.  I was so nauseous, my chest hurt so bad, and I was getting sick at least 3-4 times a day.  With this pregnancy I had been several days late and decided maybe I should take a test - and sure enough!  I found out with Tucker closer to 6 weeks, and with this baby I found out at 4 1/2 weeks.

We had thrown around the idea of waiting until I was 20 weeks to tell anyone - so then we could tell them we were pregnant, what we were having, and the name, but the more we were trying to figure it all out, the more complicated it became.  I am going to have to go to the doctor's office, along with Jonathan wanting to come with me, and when you work for your parents it's a little hard to ask off and not tell them why - along with asking them to watch your 18 month old :).  Also, I've become extremely tired and at 5 1/2 weeks the morning sickness has come on full force, so I knew I'd need more help than normal and there was just no way we could hide it that long, so now we are telling our parents soon.

Once we had Tucker, I've taken a more holistic approach to our health.  I use essential oils when he is sick, the homeopathic remedies for teething and ear aches, and we now visit the chiropractor weekly.  Since I have been trying hard to have a healthy family, I looked into the Zofran that is considered "safe" for pregnant women.  This medicine is not for pregnancy, but for patients with cancer - to minimize their nausea.  It's not guaranteed to be 100% safe for the baby, so I've been looking for new ways to fight my morning sickness.  Here's what I found so far.  I'm going to test these out and see if any of these work for me.

1.  Take B6 and/or B12 vitamins daily (or more).  This helps drastically reduce nausea, so I'm on board and willing to try anything!

2.  Ginger, Ginger, Ginger.  Anything with Ginger is supposed to help- Ginger Tea, Ginger Ale, Ginger Snaps, you get the picture.

3.  Suck on Life Savers - especially the peppermint candies - these help with curbing the nausea.

4. Cracker's in the nightstand. - since we have not eaten all night, the nausea seems to be extremely strong during the morning, so if I could just remember to keep them by my bed maybe it would be helpful :)

5.  Unisom - yes, the night time sleeping pill.  Apparently there is a prescription that is 100% safe for pregnant women in Canada, but it's not sold in the US.  The concoction for this med is 1/2 a Unisom pill along with a B6 pill.  If this is a cure and it's pretty much natural, I'm willing to try it, but I'm going to look more into the Unisom pill before going forward with this.

6.  Beans - This is supposed to help curb nausea as well - eating a few servings of this a day increases your fiber intake and is expected to see results.  I can eat beans!

7.  Chew Gum - Especially Cinnamon Gum.  I don't really know why, but several places I have looked have Cinnamon gum as a great way to help with bouts of nausea.

8.  Get Plenty of Sleep - self explanatory here.

9. Nausea Bands - wear the bands on your wrists at the pressure points to minimize the nausea.

So here's the few ideas I have come up with to try before taking any more Zofran.  We will see how it goes - but I can promise that I'll be doing something to make life easier around here - This Nausea thing is for the birds!

**Since I wrote this post as soon as we found out we were pregnant, I've had time to try everything else out - Zofran seems to be my saving grace about now.  I do use the other ideas - the nausea bands are by far the best.  I purchased some at Babies R Us called "PSI Bands" which are plastic, so it's like wearing a watch.  This has been SO helpful.  I think the bands are probably the best thing that have helped with my morning sickness.  If I have to go somewhere and do something during the day, Zofran is really the only way I feel up to doing it.  Hopefully once we are past 12 weeks it will get better, but I know it didn't with Tucker, so we shall see :).

Here's how we told my parents:
We had also tried to tell my parents on Sunday - we had gone by before lunch with the Golding's, but my dad was gone, and then after we left lunch I called back other there and my mom had been called in, so finally on Tuesday we were able to tell my parents.  Jonathan walked in from work and asked Tucker where the baby ways.  He normally looks down and points to his tummy, but he kept trying to pull away from Jonathan and came running my way and pointed to my stomach.  So that's how we told my parents, and they loved it.  My family went on vacation to Gatlinburg - and since my brother was coming in from New York, we knew it was the perfect time to tell both him and Kassie.  When we got to the cabin at midnight on Friday night Tucker woke up and was as hyper as could be, so my parents kept asking him where the baby was and he would get his cow and take it to him, but finally we told Jonathan and Kassie.  They were super surprised but excited as well.

Here's how we told his parents:
On Sunday after church we ate lunch with Jonathan's parents and he mentioned to his dad that he would need off on August 7th because I had an ultrasound and blood work I had to get done.  It took a minute but Sarah caught on and said something.  Mrs. Pam kept saying I knew it!  - This is because they came to our house (by complete surprise) on Saturday afternoon and I had still not had a shower, and was napping when they showed up - along with my house being dirtier than I believe it's ever been.  But when you are throwing up the last thing you are thinking about is a clean kitchen. - So anyways, that's how we told the Golding's.  They were all thrilled and excited about another grandbaby.  It's funny though because with Tucker, we were the last of 4 of the cousins to have a baby - due in November, December, January, and then Tucker in February. Well now we are once again the last to have a baby - second round - September, January, February, and we will be March.  It's fun to have babies all close to the same age so they can all play together!

Here's how we told the rest of the world.  We are so excited!

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