Friday, June 1, 2012

Tucker's Times

Know you have been warned - This is a little of everything from the last few weeks, but I don't want to forget anything or miss any of the pictures that I've taken and want to remember.  :)

This week has been a little laid back, but we've had a little fun mixed in as well.  Wednesday we went to the Bellevue Play Ground and let Tucker play.  We met Jonathan and played for about an hour.  He had the best time running around and going up and down the stairs, across the bridge, and under everything.  Here's a photo to show all his enjoyment of the day.

Playing hard at the playground at Bellevue.

This was a photo from Memorial Day that I left out the day before.

Jonathan has been promising me for several months that he would come up with a way to make me a strap for my camera.  We got to looking at it and decided that it might be cool to just do it on top of my current strap.  I really like it - he did a great job.

A few weeks back Tucker helped daddy and papaw lay mulch at papaw's house.  He decided that he wanted to help and ran into the house and got his shovel.  So cute!  The shovel lasted about 5 minutes and then he realized that he could get more moved by picking it up with his hand and throw the mulch - so this ensued for the rest of the time.  He was covered in mulch from head to toe by the end of it, but he had the best time.

 Sweet boy excited one day that we were riding in the car.  He is getting so big!

Strawberry Picking - Take 3

We have now been strawberry picking three times.  The first time we picked I only came home with 3.5 pounds of strawberries, which was not enough, so my friend Lucy, Tucker, and I all went back and I came home with 9.25 pounds.  I thought that would be enough, and I was happy with it, but it wasn't, so we went back today - Lucy, Kassie, Tucker, and I.  It was the best picking we have had so far.  They had SO many strawberries.  It was awesome!  I came home with 8.5 pounds, and I have been making strawberry lemonade concentrate all afternoon. :)

We stopped at Backermann's Bakery in Whiteville on our way back from picking.  They have some of the yummiest home baked bread you've ever had in your life.  It's awesome!  If you are ever in the area, you've got to stop by.  

Our buckets were getting full

The Goats got out while we were there.  As long as they don't get in the strawberries they let them graze.  Tucker was fascinated by them.

Tucker and Lucy hard at work picking strawberries.  Tucker kept picking huge berries and bringing them to me to put in the bucket.  He did a great job.

Tucker helped me cook a few days ago - he loves to stand up and stir or just play with all the utensils.  I love how much he get into making a mess - no matter what it is.

Climbed into his rocking chair and read the book to himself.  So sweet
 The other day Jonathan was working on getting our upstairs air conditioning unit set up and had his cart from his work van out to haul his tools.  He got underneath and played on it.

 True Story - Tucker will ONLY eat the strawberries that we have picked.  He won't touch the strawberries that I buy at the store.  I'm not sure how he can tell the difference, but it's crazy how he knows.
Hey guys I love these picked strawberries - you've been holding out on me!

 Our first pickings from the garden this year - this was last week.  Jonathan got our garden in the last week of March and we already have produce!  So yummy.  We have never done broccoli before, and I truly think it was the best I've ever had.  I told him that we will have to do it at the correct time next year (Feb), and plant plenty of broccoli, cauliflower, and snap peas!

I stopped at a garage sale last weekend that had a vacuum cleaner.  I've been looking for one because he is not a fan of our vacuum, unless he is trying to take it apart, but he likes this so much!

I saw this idea on pinterest and thought it would be fun to try and see what Tucker thought about it, but to be honest he had too much trouble to get it out of the small parts, so I ended up just dumping it out, but it was worth trying. :)

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