Thursday, June 14, 2012

Crazy Busy Weekend

This past week was VBS at our church.  I helped out a few girls in our Sunday School class and did the crafts for a first grade class.  It was so much fun, but also super tiring!  On Friday night we went to a surprise birthday party for David at Bethany's house.  She did such a great job getting all his friends there before he arrived and really surprised him.  Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of the night, but Tucker had a great time swimming with his daddy and Uncle David.  He also played a little with Ivey, Bethany's niece.  It was a great time all around.

On Saturday we went to the lake, once again to celebrate David's birthday.  It was an interesting day to say the least!  So we were supposed to leave and head to the lake at 9 on Saturday morning, so we called about 9:15 to see if they had left yet because we hadn't heard anything, and they couldn't get the boat to start.  We had decided to garage sale a little in Oakland, and we thought we should head on in to help, and then over half way there they called to say that it was ready, so we turned around and headed on to the lake.  Right before we got to Lexington we had to stop quickly for the person in front of us and my phone fell in the water.  I shook it out for about 5 minutes and it turned itself off.  We just knew it was shot, but fortunately it wasn't!  We stopped in Lexington at Wal-mart to get crickets so Jonathan could fish and rice to put my phone in while we were on the lake, and then headed on to Pin Oak. We got there and realized we had somehow left our lake bag on the counter at home.  This meant we left Tucker's life jacket, float for the water, sun screen, swim diapers, change of clothes...EVERYTHING!!!  So Jonathan had to go BACK to Lexington and get another life jacket AND swim float.  Once he finally got back we ate lunch and had a great rest of the day.  Here are a few photos from the day.  We had a blast! 

Pole in one hand, cracker in the other - priorities!

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