Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chicks, Pullets, and Chickens Galore!

This city girl has turned country quickly!  In the past 4 1/2 years of marriage, I have slowly adapted more and more to the country life and I LOVE IT!  Since having Tucker I have pretty much turned to as much organic produce we can afford - including organic eggs.  Tucker eats 3 eggs every morning for breakfast along with some piece of fruit, so we have been going through two dozen eggs a week.  I had been asking Jonathan about chickens and his thoughts on getting some for a while, but he kept saying that he wasn't really feeling it yet.   

Well....we had some friends over a few weeks ago - Tyson and Charity.  Tyson and Jonathan went to college together and he has been raising chickens since he was 5 years old.  We got on the subject about it and really talked about them and we asked him several of the questions we had about them.  I thought that was the end of it and didn't pursue it, but two weeks later, we now have 4 chickens, 4 pullets, and Tyson is hatching out chickens for us as I type!  I can't tell you how excited I am about this venture.  Not only am I excited, but Tucker LOVES them.  He almost squeezed the life out of one at Tyson and Charity's last weekend.  He is so fascinated with them.  I can't wait for him to get better so he can play with them.  He doesn't even know we have gotten them all yet, but I know he will be so thrilled.  The pullets are Light Brahmas and they seem to lay about 200 eggs per year.
Headed to see the chicks!
He caught a chicken and was holding him.  He was so proud.

We finally have pullets home - with their food and water. 
We have 3 chickens and 1 rooster
We think these are about two months and will start laying eggs around 6 months
Our Pullets will look like this when they are grown - this is a Light Brahma
Yesterday we also purchased 4 chickens.  They are really pretty.  This morning I went out and saw an egg already!  These chickens are black australorpp.  They are known for laying an average of 350 eggs per year!  That's incredible!!!! 

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