Sunday, April 24, 2011

I didn't last long...

So I knew that going back to work was going to be tough, but I had no idea.  I work an hour from my house, so having to leave, drop off Tucker, and get to work (with a feeding in between) was taking me over an hour and a half.  Doing this both ways is a total of 3 hours driving along with 9 hours at work = 12 hours without my little man.  Needless to say I didn't last long. 

I put my two weeks in and I'm actually working until the middle of May two days a week just to help them out until they find someone.  I enjoyed what I have been doing over the past year, but it's just not justifyable in staying for many different reasons.  But, I have to say that I truly admire you working moms -  I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT.  It wears me out doing it just two days a week.  I can't imagine how useless I would be doing it 5 days.  It's so different when you are up for night time feedings, and then working during the day, and coming home to take care of a family, and cooking dinner.  I have a whole new respect for moms who work full time and care for a family full time...Thanks mom!

I am thankful that Jonathan agrees that it will all work out with me staying home - and I know that it is going to be tough, but that's exactly what we will be doing - Staying Home!  I won't be going and coming a lot - we will be coming up with fun activities to do around our house and enjoying our time together as our children grow up.

It's amazing just how quickly Tucker is growing...this past weekend (April 16th) he found his tongue.  He obviously had it all the time, but he has realized that it does cool things and that he can stick it out, which makes him laugh.  It's so fun to see all the little changes, but they are all coming so quickly - I wish time could slow down just a little!  He is also finding that his fingers have more than just one fist - and they actually come apart.  It's hilarious to see him catch a glimpse of his hand as it goes by and start starring at it like he's never seen it before.  He has started sucking the fingers separately and really likes having them in his mouth.  I just want to freeze time so we can remember all these fun little things he does!

Also, last Friday, April 22nd, we held something for the first time!  He was in his carseat because we were eating dinner with a friend, and he reached over and picked this up from me! It was so sweet and I couldn't believe just how big he is getting.  I think he looks a lot like me here - but that's just an every once in a while thing.  The bigger he is getting the more I truly see his daddy in him.  What a sweet boy!

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