Monday, December 13, 2010

Baby Shower!

I had my first baby shower this weekend and it was so much fun! It was a brunch and our hostesses did such an amazing job with everything! It was delicious and decorated beautifully - It was held at Mrs. Andrea Lee's home in Lakeland.

We got some amazing gifts for the little man and I can’t wait until we get to use them! We received our crib bumper and matching sheets from our hostesses, and our crib comforter from my in-laws. We also received our swing, tons of clothes, a homemade crib sheet that was SO soft, a tummy time play space, Johnny jumper to hang in the door frame, a moby wrap for me to use when I need both hands and still need to hold little man, our mattress for the crib, diapers, a mirror for the car, an adorable baby bag, the cutest little farm and truck puzzles, a changing table cover, and a cover for shopping carts/public high chairs, and more.

I had a wonderful time…I think the photos speak for themselves! Thanks to all of our wonderful hostesses for loving us enough to take time out of you busy schedules to throw us an amazing shower!

Sweet little "My 1st Christmas" shoes - part of the decorations!

My Sweet Hosteses - Mrs. Paula Cole, Mrs. Rene Liddle, Mrs. Angie Kasner, Mrs. Candace Jerkins, Mrs. Sheila Burbee, Mrs. Andrea Lee, and Mrs. Susan Moser - Thank you ladies SO much!

The so soft handmade crib sheet

Several of the sweet ladies who came for the shower

My Friend Ashley and her son Logan came - so sweet of them!  He was passed around from person to person the whole morning - they all loved him - and he's just the cutest thing ever - I think my mom and Mrs. Pam were practicing!

32 Weeks!
 On A side note....

We have also had some progress on our house and I thought I’d throw in a quick update. We were able to get the beams in place and everything almost ready for painting this weekend…which means we did a lot of sanding! Also ripped out the flooring in the entry way and we are ready to sheetrock the beam and have it ready to go! I can’t wait to see the finished product of our home! I think paint will start going on the trim, baseboards, ceilings, and HOPEFULLY the walls this week! It could look like a new house by next weekend! I’m not getting my hopes up, but we could really start moving quickly if we are able to get paint on the walls this week.

Our new open rooms!  Beams and column in place.

One of the many holes patched

Kassie loving the sanding process...
Entry Way flooring Gone!

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