Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby Dedication

We had a baby dedication on last Sunday, August 21st.  There were 25 babies dedicated during the service.  I was a little worried about Tucker because we had visited the minor med the day before because he was just going berserk.  He wouldn't let me lay him down at all, but as soon as I picked him up he would be asleep in my arms.  He took both naps laying on me on Saturday, so I told J we had to go in and see what was up - I just knew he must have an ear infection.  Sure enough, we had a double ear infection and a red throat.  The doctor put him on amoxicillen and said he would be fine in a few days.  We stayed home Sunday morning so he could get as much rest as possible.  We also adjusted his bed so it was tilted up and he could sleep without putting pressure on his ears.  He seemed to be feeling better the next morning after having two full doses, but still not completely back to normal. 

He did so good though!  We had a reception that was really nice for all the families before the service.  They had a slide show with all the babies photos, each family had their own table.  Brother Steve and Mrs. Donna posed with each family for photos.  It was a sweet time.  The dedication was at the beginning of the evening service and it was about 20 minutes.  That's a long time for a baby, but he watched the big screens and seemed extremely content.  We were so excited to be able to dedicate him to the Lord...not that he wasn't dedicated back the day we were blessed to met him, but it was nice to formally get a chance. :) 

Tucker and Mimi

T Man and Aunt Sarah

Tucker and Grammy

Family Photo

Cousin Spencer was dedicated the same day as well!  Too fun!

"T Dub" and Pappaw

Tucker and Popa

Tucker and Aunt Katherine

T Dub and D Dub - Uncle David
Tucker wore one of J's outfits he wore as a baby.  I thought that was special and it fit him perfectly. 

Tucker Wiley, We love you...and we praise the Lord for giving us the opportunity to raise you and train you up in the way you should go. 

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