Sunday, April 15, 2012

The last few months around here

We've been busy having lots of fun around here the last few months.  This is a bit of a photo dump just so I can remember what all has been going on.

Tucker's first popsicle - April 3rd.  He couldn't really figure it out why it was so cold and all, but he ended up loving it and making a great little mess.  I had made a smoothy earlier in the week and froze the remains.  He loves them!

 Bath time - he would rather play in the sink with the faucet turning the water off and on all by himself - my little independent man.

After working SO hard he had another Popsicle treat last week. Tucker helped Daddy work on the hutch turned tv stand - I'll show the finished product soon hopefully!

 Popsicle finished:
 Riding Avery like a horse - she was so sweet to just let him play all over her. She literally just sits there and takes it while he lays on her, loves her, bounces on her, and whatever else he thinks might be fun.
 Helping daddy measure with the tape measure.
 Playing with the ashes - everyone has to take a break right?

 Happy Easter! 2012 Easter Services at Bellevue.
 Trying to take a family picture down by the river, but Tucker was a little more interested in everything else.  We went to Paulette's to celebrate Mrs. Pam's 50th Birthday and walked down by the river before heading home.
 Tucker's first eggs- he Loved them!  It was on Valentines Day, so we had a fun heart shaped "Love Ya" plate for breakfast.  Eggs are now a staple at our house - he has three every morning along with a piece of fruit and milk.  A big breakfast for a little man.
 We went to visit my Cousin's sweet little girl in the hospital.  She had a massive surgery and had a tumor removed that was the size of a softball.  It was a huge blessing from the Lord to show how much prayer works.  It was amazing to see how well the surgery went and how great she has healed.  Sweet girl!  She and Tucker are a week apart. 

Little man sure loves his cars, tractors, and anything that "broom brooms" around here.
Sweet boy and momma on my birthday.

Trying on his first pair of cowboy boots - I think he liked them :)
Helping me with the dishes

Showing off daddy's ducks and geese.  He loves blowing his duck call and watching duck hunting shows with his daddy.  I think we are raising a hunter for sure!
Playing in his new wagon he got from us for his birthday.  He loves riding around in it outside.

Tucker riding in the wheel barrel after Bellevue Loves Memphis out at the Boys Ranch in Millington

Tucker's first pair of Wranglers- Daddy was so proud!
He is a big helper in the kitchen when I'm cooking - sweet boy enjoys being where I am as long as daddy isn't home and outside - then I'm chopped liver :)

Helping daddy take the lumber out to the car to floor our attic.
He kept bringing his hat to me to wear one morning and wore it around all day.  So sweet!
I love how he drinks out of his cups and just don't want to forget.

It got quiet and I turned around and this is where he was - I had packed up some of his toys to rotate out and he found them!

Crazy boy loves sunglasses! He likes to wear them when it's sunny - in the house :) 

1 comment:

  1. so glad i found you to follow! i will definitely love seeing all these pictures of my precious nephew!
