Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Perfect 10

Diet - that's what the perfect 10 is.  Jonathan and I decided that we needed to do something that get back to normal.  I had a few pounds left to loose from pre-baby, and he wanted to do it with me - I'm so glad because I would have given up the first day.


Also, to be honest, we decided that we wanted to start this a few weeks ago and jumped right in and failed miserably, so we ate good last week - no bread, tried to do no sweets, and then we jumped back onto the train this week.  So just from last week Jonathan has already lost 11 lbs - Not Fair!!  I on the other hand have dropped a whopping 2 lbs.  That's good, but nothing like his.

The perfect 10 is designed to help keep all of your hormones regulated, while loosing weight and getting to your goal.  This is adjusting to a diet, but ultimately making it a way of life. There are three stages to the diet.

Stage 1 - pretty much everything needs to be organic, and you can have whole milk, decalf tea, green tea, water, veggies, fruit, organic meat (except red meat), No grains, nothing low fat, nothing "lite."  This is a three week program.

Stage 2 - same as stage 1, but add grains 1-3 times a day for another three weeks.

Stage 3 - make this a lifestyle, adding sweets in sometimes and try to stick with as little or no processed foods as possible.

I'm excited to see how far we get with this - I know that we will fall off some (like Easter), but I'm hoping more than anything that we can try to make this more of our lifestyle than the way we have been eating processed foods.  I want to really go back and eat real food - that's what we have been feeding Tucker and he is eating what we eat now - so I'm pushing that we stay with the "real" food as much as possible and leave the processed junk in the past!  We will see how it goes :)

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