Thursday, October 30, 2014

Swim Lessons!

Tucker and Emmaline (Ray) took swim lessons from Aunt Bethany this summer in July. She was so sweet to take time to work with our kiddos - they had 6 lessons and they learned SO much in those few weeks. The first day they used their swimmies, but from then on out they were on their own. Bethany really worked with them and I'm so proud of how well they did! They were pretty proud of themselves too. They are like little fish now!!

I have to admit that I was worried about how Tucker would handle both his "loves" at the same time, but I guess since Bethany has been taken and is officially married, he has moved on to focusing on Emma. She isn't so convinced, but they are the best of friends and I'm so glad they get along so well!

And the cuties that waited on them during lessons: 

 Jace - 16 months here.

Elliette - 15 months here. Sweet friends!

Jumping off the diving board and swimming to Bethany and then to the side. This was their last day. We figured out after two days of lessons that Tucker REFUSED to go under water, so we decided to try swim goggles. Normally at this age this wouldn't be something you would try, but Tucker has some sensory things that really bother him so we decided to give it a try. Bethany said she couldn't keep his head above water! It made a drastic change in his enjoyment as well as his learning.
Showing us how they kick...

Swimming off the steps to the deep end all by himself!

Love these pictures: Tucker was so animated and Emma was so cute in her tutu swimsuit.

Swimming on their boards...they are the best of friends and had the best time!

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