Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Things Change

Traditions have always been a really big deal in my family. So big of a deal that I thought this was completely normal for all people to have so many and such big traditions - then I met my husband, who enjoys the holidys with his family, but is much more of a go with the flow type of family.  I say all this to say that A LOT of traditions have changed in our family over the past few years, but this year has topped them all for several different reasons. 

My family has always gone and picked out a Christmas tree and then cut it down and put it up in their house - they have a vaulted ceiling, so it's usually 23-25 foot - yes that's tall for a normal home.  I actually cried the first year we were married because the were going without me, so they actually changed their plans and we went with them - my husband was sweet to do this even though he truly didn't understand.  Well lets fast forward to this year.  We decided we were going to go and cut a tree this year with Tucker and I was really looking forward to it.  Well plans don't always go as expected around here, so I am learning to cope, but I digress...Jonathan's great-grandmother passed away and the funeral was in the middle of the day the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, so I asked my parents if they could watch Tucker.  They had already decided that they were going to go get their tree that day, so they we SO SO excited that Tucker was going with them.  To my dismay I was ready to fall apart because I selfishly wanted us to be the first ones he went to get a tree with, but I had no other option.  He went with them and had a blast. 

We didn't even get around to getting a real tree this year because Jonathan was so busy at work and in school that we just enjoyed the time we had at home, so Tucker's first tree cutting was with my parents, but they enjoyed every second of it!  Here's photos to prove he was there :)

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