Friday, January 21, 2011

Officially Somerville Residents!

What a crazy, whirl wind the past few weeks have been!  We are trying so hard to get into the house before little Tucker Wiley makes his big debue!  J is worried that he's going to get here before we ever get in (which is tomorrow!).  I worked all day Monday on the house with my mom and Sarah to get our kitchen 95% set up and ready, and we now have 95% of the baseboard's down in the house.  The flooring is down in the upper part of the house and looks amazing. J did most of the laying with some of David's help, and Mr. Mike made all the cuts for him.  They did an awesome job....I absolutely love it. I'll post photos again when we are actually in the house, but that may be a while if little man tries to come before we are ready!  We are moving everything that hasn't already made it out to the house tomorrow.  We plan on setting up our bed first, so we have somewhere to sleep, and we'll just have to live with a mess for a few more days, while we finish unpacking.  I really don't think it'll be too bad though - we have really made so much progress that I think we will be mostly unpacked by Sunday night.

In the picture below, you can see that I have my kitchen somewhat set up - and our beautiful floors my hubby laid!  I'll make sure to take more thorough pictures this weekend and post so you can see somewhat of a finished project - I am sure that it'll take us months to get it like we really want it, but that's the fun of having your OWN home right?!?

I had my 37 week check up (I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow) yesterday, and she said all looks good! I'm more than 1 but less than 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced - he's ready...and so are we.  If for some reason Tucker decides he likes it just where he is, then we will induce on February 11th, but I'm really hoping that we don't have to do that - I want him to come in his timing and not ours.

I hope you all have a great weekend. I know we will! :)

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