Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happy Fall Y'all!

I'll be honest - I haven't really been up to blogging much this month, so I'm going to add what we have been up to in one big post!

I know the responsible thing to do here would be to take my child off the coffee table and ask him not to get back on it, but let's be honest, he was having a great time and I was sitting right there.  He brought the train from our downstairs room up three stairs and down the hallway, loaded it up on top of the coffee table BY HIMSELF and climbed on top.  What was I to do but grab my phone and take photos??

 He then proceeded to get down, get his gun, and get back up on the train - yelling "pow" "pow" the whole time.


This is his "no no" face 

He got this train as a present for Christmas this past year and forgot about it for the last few months, but it is a hit again around here.

Helping Papaw work Labor Day weekend 

This was a few photos that Kat took of Tucker when we were at my grandmother's funeral.

Our first attempt at big boy undies, but they only lasted for the day.  I don't think he was ready and I know I wasn't.

I bought this gun at a garage sale for $0.50.  It was the best purchase.  I know he shouldn't have a gun, but he loves it and makes everything else into one, so I thought well why not.  As I've posted before, we have lessons on how to handle guns around here regularly.
 Playing hard with Daddy while mom had a garage sale - he was exhausted....

Tucker LOVES to talk on the phone, which means he loves to listen to whoever is on the other line, but doesn't really speak too much - he was listening hard to what daddy had to say, and holding onto his ball for dear life!

Jonathan took Tucker to the cotton fields today to ride with one of the farmers around here and they had a blast.  He said he was throwing dirt and playing with all the cotton while they waited to ride.  His hair is almost as white as the cotton!

Proud daddy here - Tucker is "shooting" the duck

Last weekend we had a long weekend and we were all exhausted.  We all fell asleep at 7:30 and slept until the next morning...sweet boys!

Happy Fall Y'all!

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