Monday, August 27, 2012

A Whole New World...

This week has been a huge change in Tucker's speaking.  He was speaking only a few words just a week ago, and now he has seemed to have added words like crazy.  Here's some of the words he can now say:

1. Mama
2. Dada
3. Ball
4. Papaw
5. Poppa
6. Tractor
7. Bus
8. Plane
9. Boat
10. Truck
11. Book

And he also can moo, meow, oink, neigh, broom broom (truck/car noises), crow like a rooster, cluck like a chicken, bark like a dog, and he has a few other animal noises. He also seems to mimic several of the words we say, just not stuck in the vocabulary yet.

I know this doesn't really sound like a lot, but it's usually pretty quiet around the house except for me talking to him, but he has been talking NON-STOP even though I can't really understand it, he has sat down with me and had several "conversations" with me.

 I know this isn't a great picture, but this is a photo of Tucker playing at the playground at McDonald's in Oakland.  He had the best time.  This was the first time that we have actually played at a indoor playground.  I called JenaBeth and we met up with her and Fisher to play.  Our electricity had gone out so I had to come up with an idea of giving Tucker something fun we could do.  It was a blast and so good to see them.
I went against my norm and bought him a biscuit and he LOVED it.  We don't really let him have just whatever, but he hasn't missed out and he is so healthy - his favorites are bread and crackers, but if he has to choose his next best option is fruit or veggies - he loves them and I am so thankful for that!
Last night started a new tradition around here I believe...
Tucker taking food to feed Avery

He almost got it to her bowl - maybe next time
Tucker feeding the chickens

Pouring out the chicken feed.
 And this melts a mamma's heart - little man brought his first artwork home from Sunday School yesterday.  He brought it to me this morning and we read over the story they learned about and talked about it - he was telling me all about each of the cut outs that were glued on the paper - I LOVE THIS!  So excited to see what this year holds with his new class.  I think he is going to learn a lot.

On a side note - and not one I'm really proud of, but when we got to the nursery to pick up Tucker, we were told that he bit a girl during the Sunday School hour.  This was such a shock to us - and honestly I have no details other than that he bit a little girl but was great the whole rest of the time he was there.  The little girl was still in the room, so we stayed and talked to her mom and apologized and I told her how very sorry I was and that he has never done this before - she was very sweet, but I still feel TERRIBLE about it.  And how do you go about disciplining an 18 month old when they don't even remember doing something 2 hours ago.  We have spoken to him several times about biting and how it is wrong, so I'm desperately hoping this was a one time thing and it doesn't happen again.

Hope you had a great weekend!

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